About SVIA

                             Our mission is accelerating innovation in the Insurance Industry

Founded in 2016, Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator (SVIA) has been recognized as one of the top influencers in InsurTech. SVIA has deep experience in producing programs on the adoption of new technologies and innovative solutions in the insurance industry. That along with years of building hundreds of connections with industry with thought leaders and innovators in every aspect of insurance including technology, operations, governance and legal mitigation.

SVIA has a strong history of showcasing the latest information in innovation to the insurance industry, bringing together and matching leading innovators and carriers.
SVIA has produced over 50 in-person InsurTech Conferences, Startup Showcases, Workshops and Custom Insurance Innovation Programs.

SVIA has hosted 60+ Webinars on Insurance Innovation over the last three years, and showcased over 400+ thought leaders, innovators, and startups.

All this experience has led SVIA to create the new Now To Next AI Leadership Program. A course designed to equip decision-makers at all levels with the skills and knowledge in AI needed to drive individual and organizational success as AI rapidly reshapes the insurance landscape.

It fuses SVIA's extensive knowledge and experience in digital transformation, innovation leadership, and AI strategy with the expertise of our instructors into a rich, powerful, and compact learning experience.
Mike Connor
CEO & Co-founder of Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator (SVIA)

Mike has always been at the forefront of digital innovation, starting one of the America’s first computer stores in 1976. That led him to being called by Apple to join as employee #72 where he led Product Management Teams and worked directly for Steve Jobs.

He has been a senior leader in numerous Silicon Valley startups and companies including Apple, Silicon Graphics, and Adobe. Mike was also a founding member in several startups – including SpatialKey, a cloud based geospatial data visualization and analysis solution used extensively in the insurance industry.

Mike is the author of “Competing for the Digital Future”, a Leadership Training Program for Digital Strategy and Transformation, and “Creating Insanely Great Customers | Always On Innovation“, a book about customer focused innovation. Mike is a visionary business leader with a passion for connecting people, ideas, and investments forging the digital future of insurance.
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Write your awesome label here.
Natalie L. Wood
COO & Co-Founder of Silicon Valley Insurance Accelerator (SVIA)

Ms. Wood’s prior experience includes being the CEO and founder of 4 previous Startups focsued on innovation. Those include a thought leadership innovation global trends research company, an Apple/multimedia software development firm, an online venture backed financial and business services portal for small business and innovation networking platform.

Her career includes working at The Economist in the Intelligence Unit as Business Director of the West Coast Technology Thought Leadership Group. Focused on Global Trends Analysis and C-Level Global Conferences for corporations, education and government.

Earlier experience includes working with David Bunnell (founder of PC Mag – PC World – MAC World – Computer World…) at PC World in Ad sales. Natalie also has telecom background experience with ITT Worldcom working on large client installations for a number of global backbone networks for companies such as Intel and Tandem Computers.

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