Now To Next
Lesson 1

Demystifying Modern AI's:
The GPT Genie & Beyond

This lesson equips you with essential knowledge about AI and GenAI. This includes how it works, its transformative impact on the insurance industry, along with the critical importance of addressing ethical and regulatory requirements.

Your insight into these core concepts enables you to distinguish yourself as a forward-thinking professional dedicated to understanding and leveraging AI’s power.

This foundational knowledge is crucial for helping organizations navigate and capitalize on AI, enhancing business operations, driving efficiency, and creating breakthrough customer value. It also prepares you to take full advantage of the subsequent lessons in the Now to Next course.

One of Six Online Self Paced Lessons In The Now To Next AI Insurance Leadership Course

Lesson 1 Intro

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Lesson 1 Sections

Each lesson section below contains a video overview, an outline and content examples found in the lesson

Check Out Other Lessons

Lesson 1:

 Demystifying Modern AIs: The GPT Genie & Beyond

Explore the transformative power of ChatGPT and emerging AI & GenAI technologies. Gain insights into a variety of AI tools and learn how to leverage them to shape the future of insurance, driving innovation and efficiency.

Lesson 2:

AI Use Case Prioritization

and Integration with Modernization

Master a strategic framework for identifying and prioritizing AI use cases aligned with your organization’s goals. Learn to assess the impact, feasibility, and ROI of AI initiatives, ensuring seamless integration with IT modernization efforts.

Lesson 3:

 Leading with Vision:
Customer & AI-Centric Strategies

Gain the insight and skills needed to create a customer and AI-centric vision and strategy to compete in the rapidly evolving insurance industry.

Lesson 4:

 Innovating with AI: Data & Infrastructure

Understand the critical role of data architecture and infrastructure in AI innovation and how to advocate for the scalable frameworks and ecosystems required to achieve business goals and enhance customer experiences.

Lesson 5:

 Operational Excellence:
AI Transformation

Understand the impact of AI on core insurance functions. Learn how to develop agile strategies that adapt to AI’s evolution, fostering a culture of change and operational excellence.

Lesson 6:

 Leading in AI-Era:

Essential Management Skills

Develop essential leadership skills to cultivate an AI-centric culture. Learn tactical planning, governance structures, and risk mitigation to effectively lead your organization in the AI era.

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